5. Managing Bundles

This document details the commands used to manage bundles.

All command bundles (with the exception of the embedded operable bundle) run under one or more Relay processes, which can be on the same machine as the Cog bot or on different machines.

To learn more about bundles or relays check out the corresponding docs.

5.1. Prerequisites

For simplicity we will be using cogctl to demonstrate bundle management. Bundle management mostly involves use of the bundles subcommand. However, you aren’t explicitly required to use cogctl to manage bundles, you can just make calls to the api directly if you like, but it does make things a bit easier.

So given that, I’m going to assume you have a working installation of both Cog, Relay and cogctl.

5.2. Installing bundles

Bundles are installed by uploading bundle configs to Cog. Cog then registers the bundle. Registration includes the creation of the permissions declared by the bundle, as well as any default rules specified in the bundle’s metadata.


After installation your command will be available but it may not be executable by anyone yet. Before anyone can execute the new command, make sure their permissions are set properly. Check out Permissions and Rules to learn more.

Bundles are installed via the bundle install sub-command in cogctl.

$ cogctl bundle install --help
Usage: cogctl bundle install [OPTIONS] BUNDLE_OR_PATH [VERSION]

  Install a bundle.

  Bundles may be installed from either a file (i.e., the `config.yaml` file
  of a bundle), or from Operable's Warehouse bundle registry

  When installing from a file, you may either give the path to the file, as

      cogctl bundle install /path/to/my/bundle/config.yaml

  or you may give the path as `-`, in which case standard input is used:

      cat config.yaml | cogctl bundle install -

  When installing from the bundle registry, you should instead provide the
  name of the bundle, as well as an optional version to install. No version
  means the latest will be installed.

      cogctl bundle install cfn

      cogctl bundle install cfn 0.5.13

  -e, --enable               Automatically enable a bundle after installing?
                             [default: False]
  -f, --force                Install even if a bundle with the same version is
                             already installed. Applies only to bundles
                             installed from a file, and not from the Warehouse
                             bundle registry. Use this to shorten iteration
                             cycles in bundle development.  [default: False]
  -r, --relay-group TEXT     Relay group to assign the bundle to. Can be
                             specified multiple times.
  -t, --templates DIRECTORY  Path to templates directory. Template bodies will
                             be inserted into the bundle configuration prior
                             to uploading. This makes it easier to manage
                             complex templates.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

5.3. The config file

The only required argument for cogctl bundle install is the path to the bundle config file.

All bundles have a config file. The file is formatted in yaml and contains information for installing and executing commands in your bundle. To learn more about config files read up on Bundle Configs. We won’t talk in detail about bundle configs in this doc, but minimally the file must contain:

  • name - The name of your bundle
  • version - The version of your bundle in semver format.


Version must be a string. If you drop the patch number from the version, yaml will interpret it as a number and the config will fail validation. So if you want to just use major and minor numbers, wrap the version in quotes. ex: “0.1”

  • cog_bundle_version - The version of the config file format (currently we support version 3 and 4)
  • commands - A hash of commands to be included with the bundle

A minimal bundle config might look something like this:

cog_bundle_version: 4

name: my_bundle
description: My bundle
version: "0.1"
    executable: /bin/date
    - "allow"

The command to install the bundle would be cogctl bundle install /path/to/my_bundle.yaml.


A bundle is disabled when it is first installed. You must enable it before use.

5.4. Templates

The templates flag points to a directory containing any templates for your bundle.

Templates are used by Cog to format command output. They are singular to a specific command/adapter combo. So for example; if we wanted to support both HipChat and Slack for our date command, we would need to supply two templates.

When added to the config file the templates section might look something like this:

    body: |
      ~each var=$results~

This works great for simple templates, but can get confusing when things start to get more complicated. To remedy that cogctl provides some helpers.

If you store your templates in a directory, you’ll need to pass the --templates option; cogctl does not infer this by default. The directory should contain one directory per adapter and each adapter directory should contain a mustache file for each command. So for our date command we would have something like this:

$ tree templates
└── date.greenbar

Given a structure like this cogctl will automatically append all of the templates in the directory to your bundle config before uploading.

5.5. Enabling and Disabling Bundle Versions

When a new version of a bundle is installed it is disabled by default. Only one version can be enabled at a time and a version must be explicitly enabled before Cog will route anything to it.

Enabling and disabling bundle versions is easy. Let’s say you already have version 1.0.0 of “my-bundle” installed:

$ cogctl bundle versions my-bundle
my-bundle  1.0.0    Enabled

You can install version 2.0.0 straightforwardly:

$ cogctl bundle install /path/to/my-bundle/v2/config.yaml
$ cogctl bundle versions my-bundle
my-bundle  1.0.0    Enabled
my-bundle  2.0.0    Disabled

As always, a newly-installed bundle is disabled by default. At this point, invoking any commands from the “my-bundle” bundle will still execute from version 1.0.0.

Switching to the new version is as simple as:

$ cogctl bundle enable my-bundle 2.0.0
$ cogctl bundle versions my-bundle
my-bundle  1.0.0    Disabled
my-bundle  2.0.0    Enabled

Now that version 2.0.0 is enabled, the update will percolate to any Relays that “my-bundle” has been assigned to. From that point, any “my-bundle” command invocations will execute from version 2.0.0, using whatever access rules have been defined in that version.

And if you decide you don’t like version 2.0.0 for any reason, you can always drop back to 1.0.0:

$ cogctl bundle enable my-bundle 1.0.0
$ cogctl bundle versions my-bundle
my-bundle  1.0.0    Enabled
my-bundle  2.0.0    Disabled

You can also enable and disable bundles through chat commands:

5.5.1. Relay Groups

Cog manages all of your command bundles and relays. Bundles are associated to relays via relay-groups. When a bundle is installed and assigned to a relay-group, Cog pushes the command config to the appropriate relay or relays. When a command is invoked, Cog uses the relay-group to select which relay is capable of running which command.

Relay groups are managed through cogctl with the relay-group sub-command. For more information read up on Installing and Managing Relays.

Optionally during bundle creation you can pass the --relay-group option multiple times.

Bundles are assigned to relays via relay groups using cogctl.

$ cogctl relay-group assign my_relay_group my_bundle


The default refresh interval for a relay is 15 minutes (set in the relay configuration file - relay.conf). Be sure to wait for the specified amount time in order to see the bundle appear on the relays in the assigned relay group.

5.6. Uninstalling Bundles and Bundle Versions

You may uninstall a specific version of a bundle or all versions of a bundle. Uninstalling a specific version will remove rules and permissions only associated with that version. Uninstalling all bundle versions involves complete removal of all authorization rules governing its commands as well as deletion of all the bundle’s permissions. Any custom rules you may have written concerning the commands in the bundle will also be deleted. In this regard, bundle uninstallation is not reversible. You can re-install to get back the bundle permissions and default rules, but your custom ones will be gone forever. If you only wish to disable a bundle, see Enabling and Disabling Bundle Versions above instead.

Before a bundle can be uninstalled it must first be disabled. To uninstall a bundle just use cogctl.


Since uninstalling all versions of a bundle can be quite destructive, you must pass the --all flag to cogctl. Otherwise nothing will happen.

$ cogctl bundle uninstall --help
Usage: cogctl bundle uninstall [OPTIONS] NAME [VERSION]

  Uninstall bundles.

  -c, --clean         Uninstall all disabled bundle versions
  -x, --incompatible  Uninstall all incompatible versions of the bundle
  -a, --all           Uninstall all versions of the bundle
  --help              Show this message and exit.

$ cogctl bundle uninstall my_bundle 0.1.0
Uninstalled my_bundle 0.1.0

$ cogctl bundle uninstall my_bundle
Usage: cogctl bundle uninstall [OPTIONS] NAME [VERSION]

Error: Invalid value for "version": Can't uninstall without specifying a version, or --incompatible, --all, --clean

$ cogctl bundle uninstall date 0.1.0
Usage: cogctl bundle uninstall [OPTIONS] NAME [VERSION]

Error: Invalid value for "version": Cannot uninstall enabled version. Please disable the bundle first

$ cogctl bundle uninstall date --all
Usage: cogctl bundle uninstall [OPTIONS] NAME [VERSION]

Error: Invalid value for "bundle": date 0.1.0 is currently enabled. Please disable the bundle first.

$ cogctl bundle disable date
Disabled date

$ cogctl bundle uninstall date --all
Uninstalled date 0.0.1
Uninstalled date 0.0.1
Uninstalled date 0.1.0